Black gay men making love

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Cate Blanchett once described the set of Thor: Ragnarok as “one long Mardi Gras parade.” While filming, he’s known for keeping his sets lively: playing music, launching into bits of oddball comedy, and sometimes doing directorial “costume changes” where he vanishes and then reappears in a different outfit. He’s goofy and antic, with an easygoing familiarity and a seemingly bottomless amount of energy. Outwardly, Waititi can seem extroverted in the extreme. But definitely people I’ve never met before.”

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There was “absolutely nothing loaded” about the remark, he assured me-but he also seemed to mean it. About seven minutes into my second conversation with the actor, writer, and director Taika Waititi, he confessed, somewhat abruptly, that he doesn’t like being around people.

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