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I love cats as much as your average white girl. Posted 11:09am Saturday 24th September 2016 by Anonymous Bird This haunting, mighty melody – the very breath of a long-forgotten god – sang Creation into existence, hewing Read more. In ancient Celtic carvings, on dappled rocks where moss has not yet crept, one may read of the primordial myth of Creation a tale of Oran Mór, or The Great Melody. Posted 12:11pm Saturday 1st October 2016 by Jean Balchin I fix my stare at a mirror which reflects a student's easel – a Read more. In the background, Passenger croons - “when you can't get what you love, you learn to love the things that stop you dreaming”. The rhythmic rustle of charcoal on paper soothes me into a semi meditative state.

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Posted 12:07pm Saturday 1st October 2016 by Louise Lin

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